The A&S Schedule for Spring War LIX is still being drafted.
This page will be updated as teachers volunteer to run classes. Interested in running a class? The Master of Arts and Sciences is currently receiving submissions for classes, workshops, or demonstrations.
If you would like to run an A&S class, please fill out this form.
Teacher Sign Up
We are also running 3 competitions at Spring War LIX.
Competition Themes

For the Field

For the Home
To celebrate the return of Spring and the promise it brings, entrants are encouraged to find ways to incorporate themes of Spring into their entries – be they agricultural tools to prepare for a Summer bounty, cheerful dishes to eat in the warming sun, new boots for walking in or an embroidered piece to admire.
Entries should be ready for showcase Sunday morning from 9:30am and Judging from 11:00am.

Milly’s Small Beers
The weaker your beer, the more you can drink of it! To this end, Mistress Mildryth is sponsoring a Small Beer brewing competition.
Beer can be lager or ale. Entrants are asked to try to keep their brews under 3% ABV. Entries over the limit will still be judged although may lose points.
Judging will be based purely on the taste of the judges. No non-beer bribes will be accepted.
Beers should be ready for consumption by Sunday lunchtime.

Master Bjorn Sæmundarson
Master of Arts and Sciences
The Master of Arts and Sciences is responsible for the co-ordination and scheduling of classes and competitions.
Email Master of A&S