
If you have a Guild meeting or competition that you would like advertised, please contact the Steward –

Lochac Brewers, Vintners, and Imbibers Guild

SMaSH Beer Competition

The Lochac Brewers, Vintners, and Imbibers Guild is hosting a SMaSH Beer Competition (Single Malt and Single Hop).

Entries must be brewed with a single base malt and a single hop variety (no limitation on number of additions).

The winner will receive a mash paddle engraved with the badge of the Guild, sponsored by Clerk Bjorn Bassason.

The competition will be judged during the Guild meeting on Saturday at [time] in the tavern. Let all those with interest in the Noble Art attend, that libations of the Craft be honoured by your witness.

Please contact Bjorn Bassason for more information.