Stewarding Team

Friday the 4th of October until Monday the 7th of October.

Putting on a successful event is a complicated job that involves careful preparation, organisation, and execution. Behind every spectacular event is a devoted team that works cooperatively to ensure that all parts come together smoothly.

If you would like to join the team, please contact Fenissa.

The Stewarding Team for Spring War 2024 is:

Mistress Fenissa Æriksdotter


Coordinate Stewarding team and volunteers. Ensures all aspects of Spring War are organised prior to the start date.


Mistress Mildrýð Thomaswyf

Day Steward

Ensures smooth running of Spring War during the event. Likes Beer.

Mistress Lillian D’Ath

Day Steward

Likes walkie-talkies, has amazing ideas and makes hard work fun.

Bantiarna Gráinne Uaine

Bookings Officer

The Bookings Officer is responsible for processing bookings, managing related enquiries, and forwarding relevant attendee information to other members of the stewarding team. (accommodation, dietary requirements, etc.)


** Role Available **

Food Steward

Overseas all ordering of food and delivery to site. Coordinates all meal chefs & makes sure they have what they need.

Baron Gilchrist Morgan

Breakfast Chef

The Breakfast Chef is responsible for managing the kitchen for breakfasts throughout the event, ensuring that meals are prepared and served.

**Role Available**

Lunch Chef

The Lunch Chef is responsible for managing the kitchen for lunch throughout the event, ensuring that meals are prepared and served.

Hlaefdigge Mildrýð Thomaswyf

Soup Kitchen Chef

The Soup Kitchen Chef is responsible for managing the soup kitchen dinner on Friday evening, ensuring that the meal is prepared and served.

Master Guy le Bastarde

Feast Chef

The Feast Chef is responsible for managing the feast on Saturday evening, ensuring that the meal is prepared and served.

Ziad Alattar

Night Market Chef

The Night Market Chef is responsible for managing the night market dinner on Sunday evening, ensuring that the meal is prepared and served.

Dutchess Tailtiu ghoirt ruaidh

Merchant Coordinator

The Merchant Coordinator is responsible for co-ordinating the Night Markets, developing a layout and managing the setup and packdown of the markets.

Baroness Aia

Marshal-in-Charge (Armoured)

The Armoured Marshal-in-Charge is responsible for co-ordinating martial activities for armoured combat, such as tournaments, melees and war scenarios.

The Honourable Lord Sigvaldr Sviðandi

Marshal-in-Charge (Rapier)

The Rapier Marshal-in-Charge is responsible for co-ordinating martial activities for rapier combat, such as tournaments, melees and war scenarios.

**Role Available**

Marshal-in-Charge (Archery)

The Archery Marshal-in-Charge is responsible for co-ordinating martial activities for archery, such as archery shoots and war scenarios.

Master Bjorn Sæmundarson

Master of Arts and Sciences

The Master of Arts and Sciences is responsible for the co-ordination and scheduling of classes and competitions.

Bantiarna Gráinne Uaine

Children’s Activities Co-ordinator

Lady Caitlín inghean Ghrigoir mac Lachlainn


The Constable-in-Charge is responsible for ensuring all attendees have signed in, and that appropriate safety procedures are followed.

** Role Available **


The Herald-in-Charge is responsible for the co-ordination of all forms of heralding at the event. This includes announcements, tournaments, courts, and any organised consultations that might take place at the event.

Lord Ragi Gamlason

Tavern Master

The Tavern Master is responsible for co-ordinating the tavern. Spring War does not serve alcohol, but the Tavern Master assists any brewers in sharing their brews with the populace.

Ziad Alattar

Master of Revels

The Master of Revels conducts the Poupe Deck Theatre, a variety show that occurs on the first night of Spring War. The Master of Revels receives entries and announces the proceedings of the Theatre.

Duke Rowland Bridgeford
